We are looking for individuals 18 years and older who suffer from moderate to severe acne get subjects will get compensated for your time and travel. All subjects must have current visible active acne.
Please Note: Study specific requirements will determine if you are eligible to participate in this study.
- Individuals with moderate to severe acne (minimum of 3 lesions, at least 1 inflammatory)
- Female and/or Male subjects of any race, in good general health, aged 18-45 years old, inclusive at enrollment.
- Individuals who are able to cooperate with the Principal Investigator and study personnel throughout the duration of the study and are willing to comply with all study procedures, methods, evaluations, and study product use.
- Individuals who are able to read, understand and willing to sign an informed consent for this specific study and have completed all site required documentation prior to study enrollment (Registration and Medical History).
- Individuals willing to be photographed and sign a consent release.
We are recruiting subjects to assess the efficacy of topical acne products. Potential subjects will arrive at the test site and will undergo screening procedures. Subjects will be asked to read and sign an informed consent form, complete or update personal/medical history, and will be screened for qualification using an Inclusion/Exclusion criteria checklist.
Subjects that meet inclusion criteria will receive a test investigational product assigned to them per randomization. Sponsor-provided instructions will be explained to subjects and provided in writing along with a daily product log to record use. Additional study use instructions will be dispensed at the time of enrollment. Subjects will be compensated for time and travel upon completion of each visit. For more information, call our clinic or complete the below contact form.